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Personal Passion

Khaled Hawari is based out of Canada, Ottawa, and is well-versed in finance, accounting, and fintech. With many years of experience in studying DeFi, traditional blue chip investments as well as graduating top of his class in undergrad, this article is a combination of personal opinion and research. From time to time, inspiration kicks in, and a drastically different topic of interest will be discussed and shared here!


Unleashed Fury: Ottawa's Tornado of July 13, 2023 and the Harsh Reality of Climate Change


Authored by: Khaled (Kal) Hawari


In the heart of Canada, where tranquility and order have long defined the nation's capital, a powerful force of nature shattered the peace on July 13, 2023. The city of Ottawa was thrust into chaos as a devastating tornado tore through its once-familiar landscape. This cataclysmic event not only left scars on the physical terrain but also served as a poignant reminder of the changing climate patterns gripping our planet. In this blog, we delve into the awe-inspiring account of the Ottawa tornado and explore the underlying climate change shifts that have been transforming the city.




On that fateful summer day, the skies above Ottawa transformed into a swirling maelstrom, beckoning an ominous force. The tornado descended upon the city with a fury previously unseen, leaving no stone unturned in its path of destruction. Buildings crumbled, trees uprooted, and lives were shattered as the ferocious winds roared through the city's streets. Chaos reigned as the community was thrust into a state of shock and disbelief, forever etching the memory of the Ottawa tornado into their collective consciousness.


A Glimpse of Climate Change:


While tornados are not unheard of in Canada, the intensity and frequency of such extreme weather events have been on the rise in recent years. Climate change, the gradual shift in long-term weather patterns, has played a significant role in this unsettling trend. Ottawa, like many other regions across the globe, has witnessed a series of climatic changes that have had far-reaching consequences.


Rapid Urbanization and Heat Islands:


Ottawa's rapid urbanization has transformed its landscape, leading to the creation of urban heat islands. Concrete and asphalt have replaced green spaces, trapping heat and exacerbating temperature differences between urban and rural areas. This phenomenon amplifies the intensity of thunderstorms and increases the likelihood of severe weather events like tornados. As Ottawa continues to expand, the need for sustainable urban planning becomes ever more imperative to mitigate the impact of climate change.


Changing Rainfall Patterns:


Climate change has disrupted Ottawa's traditional rainfall patterns, with more frequent and intense rainfalls becoming the new norm. These heavy downpours saturate the soil and increase the risk of flash floods, which, coupled with strong winds, set the stage for tornados to form. The city must adapt its infrastructure and drainage systems to accommodate these changing precipitation patterns and protect its citizens from the wrath of nature's fury.


Rising Temperatures and Extreme Weather:


As temperatures rise globally, Ottawa has experienced a significant shift in its climate. Winters are milder, and summers are scorching hot, increasing the volatility of the atmosphere. This atmospheric instability creates the ideal conditions for the formation of severe thunderstorms and tornados. As the city grapples with the reality of climate change, adapting to these new weather patterns becomes vital for its resilience and the well-being of its inhabitants.


A Call for Action:


The Ottawa tornado serves as an urgent wake-up call, demanding immediate action to combat the devastating consequences of climate change. It is time for Ottawa, and the world, to take a proactive approach in preserving our planet for future generations. Investments in renewable energy, sustainable urban planning, and environmental conservation are paramount to mitigating the effects of climate change and reducing the risk of extreme weather events.




The tornado that struck Ottawa on July 13, 2023, serves as a vivid reminder of the destructive power of nature and the influence of climate change on our lives. Ottawa, like many other cities worldwide, must confront the harsh reality of these climatic shifts and implement measures to adapt and mitigate their impact. As the nation's capital, Ottawa has the opportunity to lead the charge in promoting sustainable practices and inspiring change. Let us use this event as a catalyst for transformation, forging a future that embraces environmental stewardship and safeguards our cities from the unrelenting forces of nature. Together, we can create a world where Ottawa, and all cities, thrive in harmony with the changing climate.



Khaled Hawari is based out of Canada, Ottawa, and is well-versed in finance, accounting, and fintech. With many years of experience in studying DeFi, and traditional blue chip investments, as well as graduating top of his class in undergrad, this article is a combination of personal opinion and research. From time to time, inspiration kicks in, and a drastically different topic of interest will be discussed and shared here!


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