My Blog

Khaled (Kal) Hawari - Portrait Shot

Personal Passion

Khaled Hawari is based out of Canada, Ottawa, and is well-versed in finance, accounting, and fintech. With many years of experience in studying DeFi, traditional blue chip investments as well as graduating top of his class in undergrad, this article is a combination of personal opinion and research. From time to time, inspiration kicks in, and a drastically different topic of interest will be discussed and shared here!

The Evolving Landscape of AI in Accounting and Finance: A Look at Ottawa's Fintech Revolution
2023-07-18 14:34 The Evolving Landscape of AI in Accounting and Finance: A Look at Ottawa's Fintech Revolution   Authored by: Khaled (Kal) Hawari     Over the past few decades, the world of finance and accounting...
Exploring the Bank of Canada's Quarter Basis Point Increase and Addressing Unaffordability: Navigating the Economic Challenges
2023-07-15 15:07 Navigating the Bank of Canada's Quarter Basis Point Increase: Unaffordability, Quantitative Easing, and Economic Solutions for Ottawa   Author: Kal (Khaled) Hawari   In July 2023, the Bank of Cana...
Unleashed Fury: Ottawa's Tornado of July 13, 2023 and the Harsh Reality of Climate Change
2023-07-13 21:08   Unleashed Fury: Ottawa's Tornado of July 13, 2023 and the Harsh Reality of Climate Change   Authored by: Khaled (Kal) Hawari   In the heart of Canada, where tranquility and order have long defi...